Friday, November 7, 2008

yet again...

No one knows what is Sarah’s complaint? But, I know it happens. You wish that God would send positive signals to you, when you know it is the best thing that can ever happen to you. Instead, you get something unexpected…

Who knew life would ever take such a drastic turn. All the happy days would become teasers. Sarah never thought she would fail yet again. She was sure the henna on her hands would mark the beginning of her new life. But before it could dry and give her the sense of never ending happiness, things went astray. Even before she could go and choose the colour for curtains of her newly bought home, her eyes had failed to search for any colour.

“Sarah..Sarah..honey. pass me that tumbler”, she could still hear the voice from the other room. She would go running inside the room with a whole jug of water and pour the water bottoms-up on him. And then, there would be pillow fights, the real bad ones.

He would never fail to take revenge and will return to room with a bucket full of water, ready to dampen all the furniture in the room. She had to board the flight next morning and was pleading him not to throw water on gifts she had picked up for family. They were to be together forever after she returns from delhi. Shitt! Man… u spoiled my laptop. Buy me a viao now..huh!, she screamed.

“So, what will you cook when I am gone?”

Hmmm..i will have momos every day….he said, not knowing how painful would be the jealous pinch this time.

Every office has it own rules. His office commanded that mobiles be on silent mode during working hours.

12 missed calls!! “f ****! I missed it. She will be angry. Hope she dint buy bright blue coloured curtains. She should have sent me a text atleast. God… help me. I will tell her I had a meeting with a client.”

“What if I die in a boom? What will you do?”, he still remembered her silly questions.

It was 14th September when serial blasts happened in Delhi. She was eating her ever lovely puchkaas and the blast sent off a piece of heavy iron piece right into her leg. The first thing she could think of was to call him.

Another boom! a few meters away made everything dark in front of her. She could still hear the call going in the loudspeaker mode. She screamed… hoping some one would reply.

This was one of those times she had hoped that God would help.

Sometimes, when we see our prayers fail, we go into a state of silence and madness or higher sanity, as i call it. Sarah had taken refuge into the same mode. She has refused to recognise anyone. Her silence raises a question to heaven upward. What question? What happened to her?


Manish Asani said...

...very well conceived!

sridevi said...

Touching..!! Not just words... I lived the whole episode like U!

Invisible said...

@sridevi: it is not what i experienced. It could be a displacement theory used by me, to shift the focus from myself to sarah.
It often happens that whatever we experience cannot be penned down, hence comes forth a story.

Invisible said...

@manish: Thanks manish.

sridevi said...

Yes! I Understand..! Whatever it is.., I just want to say that it's a well-written piece..!! I could imagine myself in place of Sarah.


As a writer, the flight of imagination in this narration is unlimited and the expression of thoughts has no boundaries. Merely presenting an idea does not serve the purpose but actually making your reader understand is what matters. And I can see Sarah here somewhere here only among us but unheard and unrecognized. But I would love to read a sequel of this . . . may be about the things to follow

Invisible said...

@tashif: good idea...I hope sarah has something more to tell us. Let us hope we stay in touch with her

Anonymous said...

Very well written and touching too.

Invisible said...

@santhosh: Thanks santhosh

Anonymous said...

Who's sarah?

Invisible said...

@lazybug: upto u to find out? u will get to read more about her in next post...

Vinay said...

Awesome and touching. Keep it up. How is ur job?

Shisir said...

A writer's experience: I strangualte the self, I suppress the self, I hood & mask the self, I silence the self...only to write from the experiences of the self...

Anonymous said...

big thanks to the author for new)